The WAX Augmented Reality NFT Guide —
In this article we explain in 8 steps how you can view your WAX collectibles, which use AR/3D objects, in the real world.
Unfortunately, we don’t hear much about the great Augmented Reality feature that NFThive has integrated on their mobile version of the platform. From the Emoticoon team we have a lot of respect for this, since our 3D NFTs are almost all equipped with AR files.
Step 1 — Go to on your mobile phone & login with wax
On computer only the 3D function is available
Step 2 —click the three strips to open the menu
Step 3 — Click on account and click on inventory.
Step 4 — Search for the emoticoons collection if needed click the verified only button, to switch it off. Scroll down and search for the emoticon asset that has 3dimg IPFS in the attributes.
Step 5 — Click on the asset image
Step 6 — click on the second dot, to open the 3D viewer
Step 7 — Click on the 3D/AR icon.
Note: this may take i while to load, because the files are large. The camera function will open and you are ready to go!
Step 8— Place your NFT on the floor, table or any other object with a straight surface.
Make a screenshot or open any screen recorder app in order to share it on twitter or the #AR-coons channel within the Emoticoons discord server.
Have fun!